Saturday, July 19, 2008

my adaptation of the raw chef nut free bread

new Nut-free bread (aka. tastes like multi grain bread)
Makes 18 ’slices’
1/4c olive oil
1 c sun dried tomatoes
2 c sprouted buckwheat*
1 c flax seed (grind until fine)
2 1/4 c peeled zucchini, roughly chopped
1.5 c apple, cored and roughly chopped
2T lemon juice
1 large avocado (or 2 small, or somewhere in between)
1 medium onion
1/4 c minced parsley
2 Dates, soaked or fresh and soft
1/2 t salt or soy sauce product

* for heidi!!! to sprout buckwheat take a large mason jar and put 1.5 cups of buckwheat in it. I use mesh sprouting caps for my jars that you can buy at any health food store but you could use pretty much any breathable matterial that is a fine enough mesh that the buckwheat won't fall through.
Rinse and drain the buckwheat... fill jar full with filtered water and set on the counter for 8 hours to soak. At 8 hours drain the buckwheat and rinse it VERY WELL it WILL be SLIMEY!!! At this point it is ok to use. To make it even more healthy and full of life set the jar at an angle upside down on the counter and cover it with a cloth. Leaving the opening free to breathe. Rinse seeds a couple times a day to keep them fresh, rinse away all the slime. I would only sprout one day with buckwheat as I tend to notice they get bad fairly quick if its hot out.

- Process the olive oil, sun dried toms, sprouted buckwheat, zucchini, apple, lemon juice, avocados, onion, dates and herbs/salt until thoroughly mixed.

- Transfer to a large bowl and mix with the flax meal by hand. The reason you do this separately (not in the processor) is that you are likely to have too much mixture for the size if the processor at this point, and when you add the flax meal it will become quite heavy and sticky and overwork your machine.

- When mixed, process the whole batter in the machine again, but in small batches to achieve a light fluffy texture.

- Divide the mixture in half and place on Paraflexx sheets on dehydrator trays.

- Use a spatula to spread the mixture evenly to all 4 sides and corners of the Paraflexx sheet. If mixture is too sticky you can wet the spatula to make things easier. With a knife score the whole thing into 9 squares.

- Dehydrate for 2 hours and then remove the Paraflexx sheets by placing another dehydrator tray and mesh on top and invert so that your original sheet of bread is upside down. That will allow you to peel the Paralexx sheet off and continue to dehydrate the underside of the bread.

- Dehydrate for approx 12 hours more (do this overnight so you’re not tempted to eat it before it’s ready) or until bread feels light in your hand. If the pieces don’t fully come apart where you scored, use a knife to cut them.

1 comment:

HiHoRosie said...

You are such a sweetie! Thanks for the sprouting tips! I will have to do it that way. And I happen to have those sprout tops for mason jars. yay!

I'm so far behind on yours and everybody's blogs!

Thanks for sharing!