Friday, July 18, 2008

the bread, I kinda take it back...

I think I was a little overly harsh about the medi bread. I was mad at it for taking so long to dehydrate. I had a piece today with some maccadamia mayo and it was good, it really tasted like real multi grain bread... For that reason alone I hope everyone doesn't swear it off. It was just kinda a pain. I may rewrite the recipe to make it easier, then I will try it again.
Tomorrow I am going to the raw "Berry Bliss" dinner at chaco canyon cafe. I am really looking forward to a fancy raw meal I don't have to make for myself!

1 comment:

HiHoRosie said...

Okay, I'll keep this in mind...maybe I'll attempt to make it again (and hopefully sprout the buckwheat properly thanks to your help).